Saturday, 13 March 2010

mother's day assembly

yesterday was Oliver's school assembly. it was based around mother's day and was so lovely. some of the children read poems and Oliver did a little play with some of his class. they had written the play themselves - it was called selfish Sid! the children had painted portraits of their mothers - can you see the ressemblance! at the end the children handed out daffodils which was really nice.


  1. Oh what a lovely assembly, oliver looks very proud of his picture and you must be very proud of him x

  2. I think you have a budding portrait artist there Jane. Well Done Oliver x

  3. wow bunbun, Oliver is a very talented boy! :) xx

  4. Awww Bunbun - I bet you were one proud Mum. Great stuff Oliver!!! Hugs Annexxx

  5. It looks just like you! ;)
    Well done Oliver x
